2024 TESS Science Conference

Monday, July 29, 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
MIT Kresge Auditorium, Cambridge MA
The TESS Science Conference III (TSC3; tsc.mit.edu) will cover all science done with the MKI-led NASA TESS Mission, from Solar System (asteroids, trans-neptunian objects, comets), through exoplanets and stellar astrophysics (asteroseismology, variable stars, stellar binaries), to extragalactic astronomy (supernovae, AGN, TDEs). The conference will focus on all aspects of the mission: TESS data analysis techniques, follow-up observations of targets identified using TESS data, and how discoveries made with TESS data impact theoretical understanding.
See Program schedule.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 17, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT Register here
To contact the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC), members below, write to: tsc3@mit.edu
- Conny Aerts - KU Leuven
- Björn Benneke - University of Montreal
- Francois Bouchy - University of Geneva
- Michael Fausnaugh - Texas Tech University
- Adina Feinstein - University of Colorado Boulder
- JJ Hermes - Boston University
- Marc Hon - MIT
- Michelle Kunimoto - MIT/UBC
- Krista Lynne Smith - Texas A&M
- Gijs Mulders - Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Hugh Osborn - University of Bern
- Andras Pal - Konkoly Observatory
- Sam Quinn - Harvard Smithsonian CfA
- Malena Rice - Yale University
- Nicole Schanche - NASA GSFC
- Avi Shporer (Chair) - MIT
To contact the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) write to: tsc3@mit.edu
- Jeroen Audenaert - MIT
- Zoë de Beurs - MIT
- Ana Glidden - MIT
- Katharine Hesse - MIT
- Marc Hon - MIT
- Rahul Jayaraman - MIT
- Daniel Muthukrishna - MIT
- Glen Petitpas - MIT
- Avi Shporer (Chair) - MIT
- Nayanika Yellepeddi - MIT