Ilse Cleeves

Tuesday, March 2 2021
only via zoom
Historically, our understanding of planet formation and the origins of planets’ compositions has been largely informed by our Solar System. However, we are just one system, and now with facilities like NASA’s Kepler and TESS telescopes, we are discovering a wide variety of planet types and architectures, many of which are unlike our own. In the last five years, the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array has simultaneously revolutionized our understanding of planet formation by imaging disks around young stars at high resolution and with high sensitivity. In this presentation, I will discuss how observations of molecular spectral line emission in protoplanetary disks can shed light on 1) the compositions of future planets; and 2) the key physics governing disk evolution during the first few million years of evolution, to help us move toward a more general picture of planet formation, at home and abroad.
- Ilse Cleeves, University of Virginia
- Michelle Kunimoto
Event Contact
- Debbie Meinbresse