Herman Marshall
Building NE83-547
As an undergraduate at MIT, Herman worked on data from the SAS-3 X-ray satellite and as an operator. After his Ph.D. work (on quasar evolution), he was a Fellow at the Space Telescope Science Institute for two years. He then worked on the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Project for 8 years, in charge of the scientific data analysis system.
Since 1993, Herman has been the instrument calibration scientist for the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer, also involved in cross-calibration with other X-ray satellites. He is currently working on high resolution X-ray and optical images of quasar jets, high resolution X-ray spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei and neutron star atmospheres, and X-ray spectroscopy of the X-ray binary SS 433. He is also developing a laboratory for testing techniques and prototype instrumentation that can be used to measure linear X-ray polarization in the soft X-ray band.