The primary mission of the Space Nanotechnology Lab (SNL) is to develop nano-fabrication, advanced lithography and precision engineering technology for building high-performance space instrumentation.
This includes x-ray telescopes and high-resolution x-ray spectrometers, magnetospheric imagers and solar physics instrumentation. SNL hardware has flown on over 10 NASA missions to date.
The SNL has a long history in developing and fabricating x-ray diffraction gratings, the key elements in x-ray spectrometers. X-ray diffraction gratings consist of extremely precise, semi-freestanding structures on the scale of tens of nanometers with extreme aspect ratios. Examples are the high energy transmission gratings on NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory and the novel critical-angle transmission gratings under current development.
Another research focus is the improvement of grazing-incidence x-ray mirrors and mirror assemblies, which serve as the “lenses” of x-ray telescopes. The ideal format of such mirrors resembles large-area thin foils with nanometer precision shape. SNL researchers recently have pioneered several deterministic stress-based figure correction methods to improve the shape of x-ray mirrors and are currently pushing into the area of diffraction-limited x-ray optics.
Space Nanotechnology Lab is also a leader in the field of nanometer and sub-nanometer dimensional metrology applied to planar lithography patterning and ultrahigh accuracy optics. Part of this work was the development of Scanning-Beam Interference Lithography and the Nanoruler, a tool for making and measuring precise small-period gratings over square meter areas.
Education and training of students is an important part of the Space Nanotechnology Lab. Research is performed primarily by graduate and undergraduate students from the Departments of Mechanical, Electrical, Aero/Astro Engineering, and Physics with support from a small professional staff. SNL students have access to the whole range of fabrication and characterization tools available on campus, especially at MIT.nano.